Got my act together and can tick this very overdue item off the has been an interesting few months busy work and home life but some achievments including some observations on how I work and how I react to pressure.
Achievments-finally overcame huge procrastination to go swimming everyday (at least when I am at home). Plus two visits to the gym each week. Why was this a real victory well work is manic like many people I could work 24/7 and still have a manic workload. But GTD enabled planning means that I have the need to maintain fitness as a key enabler to dealing with day to day life.
Tools - I have been using the treo everyday and think it is the best tool I have used to date. I have gone back to Life Balance as my portable list tool - great tool. Synching from outlook to keep the pc generated tasks in one place . I have finally started to get disciplined to trust the treo as the only place I check actions etc irrespecive of where they were generated.
Paper still features but I have dug out my io2 digital pen. The software has been upgraded and this makes capturing tasks email and diary entries a real breeze - write drop the pen into the cradle and new tassk created etc.
I think I can see the process falling into place. My challenge is how to keep this when the pressure builds because that is when it normally falls apart.
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